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Lab Neurophysiology

After the creation of "Special Editorial", I am including another new Sections, From "Lab Neurophysiology", unlike the Standard procedures of SSEPs, TcMEPs, EMGs, TrEMGs, EOGs, ABRs and other electrical testing, laboratory research on electrical activities provide enormous amount of understanding about electrophysiology.  The "fundamentals of electrical activities in neurons" is vast area of neuroscience research, it is a world in itself.

There are lots of laboratories around the world are involved in electrophysiology, using various animal models or invitro neuronal cultures or insitu setup to uncover the electrical activities. These research activities are aimed to understand the phenomenon of electrical activities in perhaps "Single Neuron", groups of neurons "Neural Network" and or "neural activities between one region to another and so on, it is a world in itself that most OR neuromonitoring folks would have no idea or limited idea and knowledge,  however those Neurophysiologists and scientists came to the IONM field from a university or research background can find it home.

Browsing the research papers, what I found today June 26, 2013.

Common excitatory synaptic inputs to electrically connected cortical fast-spiking cell networks

Cortical fast-spiking (FS) interneurons are electrically interconnected through gap junctions and form dendritic net structures extending over different functional columns. Here, we investigated how pyramidal cells regulate FS cell network activity. Using paired recordings and glutamate puff-stimulations, we found that FS cell pairs connected by electrical synapses shared common inputs from surrounding pyramidal cells more frequently than those unconnected or connected only by chemical synapses. Experimental and simulation results suggest that activity spread evoked by common inputs to electrically connected FS cells depends on network state. When cells were in the depolarized state, common inputs to electrically connected cells enhanced spike induction and induced inhibitory effects in surrounding FS cells. By contrast, in the hyperpolarized state, either sub- or supra-threshold inputs produced depolarizing potentials in nearby cells. Our results suggest that globally connected FS cell networks are locally regulated by pyramidal cells in an electrical connection- and network state-dependent manner.


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