These Docs Page is not independently verified by me, neither I know them personally in any basis. I am compiling and making this page for information purposes and for those who are searching for a good surgeon or doctor may find it useful to learn about the best in the field. All these information's can be found on the internet, seems to be interesting and the least one can do is to notice the unique and best practices of these docs or one can further do some search and research about these doctors to know more specifics. All I am doing here is to list them for information purposes and to provide some background. If and when I find more specific information, I am sure will update each of the pages, if on the other hand I read any news or informed of any negative aspects, and I am sure to update them too.
So be advised and do your own diligence.
HeadNeckBrainSpine:Neuroradiology, this by far the most comprehensive and extraordinary collection of MRI, CT and other scan images of "Head, Neck, Brain and Spine", as the site url named after the areas the images cover to provide a detailed insight about head, neck, brain, spine and cranial nerves, nerves in general, a must for neuroradiology specialists but for surgeons, orthopedic specialists and advanced neurophysiologists and neurologists. Neurophysiologists though do not specialize in radiology, to understand the anatomy and condition of the patients during surgical intraoperative monitoring, this site can provide that background information and knowledge, great site. The site shows about 39Million hits.....that is certainly something right?..
website is intended for those interested in learning and referencing
neuroradiology anatomy via an intuitive interface and learning from
neuroradiology cases. This would include medical students, radiology
technologists, residents (radiology, radiation oncology, otolaryngology,
neurology, neurosurgery), and radiologists.
site is maintained by Brett Young, MD, a current neuroradiology fellow
at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, USA.
Founder of Biscup Spine Institute
Robert S. Biscup, M.S., D.O., F.A.O.A.O.
Dr. Robert Biscup, M.S., D.O., F.A.O.A.O., is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon, practicing for more than 25 years. His developments in major reconstructive, previously failed, and minimally invasive spine surgeries, including laser microsurgery and micro-decompression laminaplasty, have earned him international recognition as a pioneer in the field of spine care and spinal surgery. Dr. Biscup has traveled extensively throughout the United States and Europe, lecturing and demonstrating the surgical techniques, instrumentation and implants he helped to develop.http://www.biscupspineinstitute.com/