Books are the very essence of learning new information, and thus to gather knowledge into it, however, you got to choose the right book. It does not matter what the topic is about, whether it is academic or clinical or just about reading the Geography?. A quality writer and author will provide a whole lot of insight into the topic than a mundane novelist or crappy idiots guide books or get to rich crap you read on book shelves?.
You can't judge the content and quality of a book by the Cover, Yes, but you Can Judge it by the Author and his/her credentials. I am not talking about the information Crap you will notice in Wikepedia/wicki's, or the so called biased NY times Best seller list of books but I am talking about Scholarly, researched extensively supported by experimental or other evidences and Books with scrupulous analysis. Such kind of Books will help understand the field thoroughly, you can always go back and read such books any number of times, it would still instill a refreshing dose of Knowledge?.
Among the books I list here almost all of them qualify the "Gold Standard in Neuroscience/Clinical Neurophysiology", except one or two simple books that may not be in the GS list but they are awesome for learning the tricks of the trade in Neuromonitoring field like the two simple books. [Learning neuromonitoring must begin with Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, but that is just the background learning]. Once accomplished, look for Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology basics. Since this topic is for those who already know neuroscience and related field, who might look for information on Clinical Neurophysiology/Neuromonitoring, you must start here!
"Spehlmann's Evoked Potentials Primer"
by Karl E. Misulis (Author), Toufic Fakhoury (Author)This is simply a Fabulous book that puts information in a nutshell before you venture into more sophisticated neurophysiology books. The techniques of Evoked potentials are described here, those included are SSEPs, TcMEPs, EMGs, EEGs and BAEP, some of the most extensively and routinely used evoked potentials in Neuromonitoring, but there are other methods discussed too.Get this book for your personal collection!. So do the following?. ( If time permits, I will have an elaborate review on each one of these books!).
"A Concise Guide to Intraoperative Monitoring" by George Zouridakis, Andrew C. Papanicolaou.
If you are new to Neuromonitoring or an Academic looking for changing your Rat/Mouse life to a clinically oriented Neurophysiology, you must start with this book, but go on to go over the list I provide, by the time you finish reading all these books, you will gain so much background to start your life into this field.
"A Concise Guide to Intraoperative Monitoring" by George Zouridakis, Andrew C. Papanicolaou.
If you are new to Neuromonitoring or an Academic looking for changing your Rat/Mouse life to a clinically oriented Neurophysiology, you must start with this book, but go on to go over the list I provide, by the time you finish reading all these books, you will gain so much background to start your life into this field.
The gold standard to learn the intricacies of neuroscience begins in learning more about Anatomy and Physiology, leading to a wholesome knowledge in the field of Neurophysiology, which is the basis for NeuroMonitoring.
My Full Review on Zouridakis and Papanicolaou is pending.......!
For Scholars, Researchers, Neurologists, Neurosurgeons and Academics in Neuroscience as well in Neurophysiology who would like to grow in knowledge with Clinical/Surgical Neurophysiology, the golden standard must begin studying Vernon B.Mountcastle, John Eccles, Ramon Y Cajal and Camillio Golgi's and Sperry's work.
And, how did I forget to put Agae's Book here. In my view, Aage R.Moller's Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring is a Must read, this is simply the best book ever written on neuromonitoring,
I have to say that you can't practice a good neuromonitoring without understanding what is said in this book, simple.
I have to say that you can't practice a good neuromonitoring without understanding what is said in this book, simple.
It is bit advanced in language and content. Though, Aage is an expert in auditory research, he is one of the founding member of neuromonitoring as a clinical practice and an allied medical field. My review on this book is still pending.............!
For Scholars, Researchers, Neurologists, Neurosurgeons and Academics in Neuroscience as well in Neurophysiology who would like to grow in knowledge with Clinical/Surgical Neurophysiology, the golden standard must begin studying Vernon B.Mountcastle, John Eccles, Ramon Y Cajal and Camillio Golgi's and Sperry's work.
I would start with
Medical Physiologyby Vernon B. Mountcastle& Vernon B. Mountcastle's Book 
also the following edition[BORN:Shelbyville, Kentucky, July 15, 1918 EDUCATION:
Public Schools Roanoke, Virginia (1924–1935)
Roanoke College, B.S. (1938)
Johns Hopkins University, M.D. (1942)]
Marc R.Nuwer's book is a Classic Neuromonitoring book, pretty advanced knowledge that you will find hard to read anywhere else. This is for Neurophysiologists and Advanced neuromonitoring practitioners.
Intraoperative Monitoring of Neural Function: Handbook of Clinical Neurophysiology
Marc R. Nuwer (Editor)In General the following Neuroscience Books are worth Reading (Pic from
Eric R Kandel's Principles of Neuroscience
These are just few of the large collection of Neurophysiology and Neuromonitoring Books that I gathered as a reference list to read, I listed them inMyLibrary, a google page that can be used by anyone with gmail?. I think these books I gathered in google's MyLibrary page might be of interest to NeuroMonitoring researchers and specialists. Though I haven't read all the books in full, I did go thro' certain specific information during my literature review, I found them to be not only an interesting read? but a well written, detailed, reliable and scholarly.
Check out drsmuni's MyLibrary at google.
Here are some examples:
Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy: In Three Volumesby Werner Platzer, Werner Kahle, Helmut Leonhardt, Michael Frotscher - Medical - 2003 - 406 pages - Limited previewRev. ed. of: Color atlas and textbook of human anatomy / [Werner Kahle, Helmut Leonhardt, Werner Platzer]. 4th ed., rev. and enl. 1992-1993. Full Review is pending: |
Compression: From Cochlea to Cochlear Implantsby Sid P. Bacon, Richard R. Fay, Arthur N. Popper - Science - 2004 - 228 pages - Limited previewThis volume discusses the main aspects of cochlear compression, including anatomy and physiology; the perceptual consequences of compression in normal hearing; the effects of hearing losson compression; and its function in hearing aids and cochlear... I have to continue this review, visit again...! |
Few of the books worth considering in your next review list. These neurophysiology and neuromonitoring books are interesting andNote, everytime I find a neuromonitoring or related book available in google book site, I will make mention of it with links to it in my blog post related to books. Enjoy.
written very well. I will have to go through the whole book before I make further comments but they are certainly my current reading.
Hand book of Clinical Neurophysiology, Series Editor: Jasper R.Daube and Francois Mauguiere
Volume 8
Intraoperative Monitoring of Neural Function, Edited By: Marc R.Nuwer
Amazon $296.01
One Amazon Review: By jegutier "jegutier" (Cali, Valle Colombia)
I have been involved in intraoperative monitoring for 20+ years and I have almost any textbook in the field including Dr. Nuwer's original work from 1986 and its second edition from 2000. This new volume is by far the best book published ever about IOM.
Steps to Follow, The comprehensive Treatment of Patients with Hemiplegia, Second Edition, Completely Revised and Updated. By Patricia M.Davies
Amazon Pic:
Cranial Nerves in Health and Disease
Second Edition
Wilson-Pauwels, Akesson, Stewart, Spacey
Picture from Linda's Website
Also note, for Chinese readers (my Chinese colleagues and friends, here is something for you, seems to be in Chinese language, perhaps in Japanese too?, check this out).
Taking the transcranial direct stimulation or transcranial magnetic stimulation a step further from Operating Room to Clinicians practice place is an interesting idea. How far this new progress of Brain Stimulation is gone?.
Here is a Book Forum at the American Journal of Psychiatry that might be of some interest to you NeuroMonitoring fellas?:
New York, N.Y.
Brain stimulation in psychiatry used to be synonymous with ECT. The recent publication of Brain Stimulation Therapies for Clinicians reflects the exciting development that clinicians now have more than one brain stimulation technique with which to treat patients who are resistant to pharmacotherapy. While ECT is still a mainstay in the treatment of severe and medication-resistant psychiatric disorders, clinicians now have a growing list of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved or investigational interventions that alter brain function via electrical or magnetic fields
New Books Added:
Brain injury Medicine: yet to read this book, seems to be a good reference books for Neurosurgeon, Neurphysiologists and Neurologists, IONM practioners.

Brain Stimulation Therapies for Clinicians
by Edmund S. Higgins, M.D., and Mark S. George, M.D. Washington, D.C., American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 2009, 203 pp., $70.00.
Brain stimulation in psychiatry used to be synonymous with ECT. The recent publication of Brain Stimulation Therapies for Clinicians reflects the exciting development that clinicians now have more than one brain stimulation technique with which to treat patients who are resistant to pharmacotherapy. While ECT is still a mainstay in the treatment of severe and medication-resistant psychiatric disorders, clinicians now have a growing list of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved or investigational interventions that alter brain function via electrical or magnetic fields
New Books Added:
Brain injury Medicine: yet to read this book, seems to be a good reference books for Neurosurgeon, Neurphysiologists and Neurologists, IONM practioners.